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Full terms and conditions can be found below in 'Performance Requirements' including
- What counts as a performance
- What defines a paying audience  - definition the audience contributes money in any way including donations

Video Performance Licence

PriceFrom £26.00
  • Full terms and conditions are shown below, including:-
    - What counts as a performance
    - What defines a paying audience
    (summary: the audience contributes money in any way)

    Tours with performances in different venue sizes
    If you do a tour with multiple venues of different sizes, then you will need to visit the pricing page multiple times. The first time, enter your script requirements, plus performance details for your first venue. Other times, select "None" in the script requirements box and add performance requirements for each venue.


    Terms and Conditions for Supply of Performance Licences


    What we provide


    Licence to perform a script, in whole or in part


    Writers of plays get most of their income from performance royalties. Each time a script is performed, the author is entitled to a royalty fee.






    Performance licences are only available to individuals and groups who have previously purchased master copies or performance sets of scripts from Lazy Bee Scripts.




    Type of performance


    Different types of performance incur royalties at different rates. We may distinguish between different types of organisations and between 'performances made to paying audiences', 'performances to non-paying audiences' and 'Classroom /workshop performances' (where there is no audience other than fellow class-members, tutors and, where appropriate, examiners).


    A 'paying audience' includes all means of payment, including ticket, donation, membership of organisation and payment for an event of which the entertainment forms a part (for example, a dinner and cabaret, where a script is used for part of the cabaret).


    Of course, some performance will be at the borderline between our categories. If you are in doubt, then please consult us (see the Contacts page for details). If you believe that your performance should be charged at a different rate, then don't go to the checkout. Instead, send us an e-mail (see our Contact page) with a brief explanation of why you should be treated as a special case, and we will tell you what to enter in the on-line forms.




    What counts as a performance?


    Any performance in front of an audience requires the permission of the rights holder, for which the rights holder is entitled to set a performance royalty.


    Rehearsals do not count as performances but...


    If you allow an audience (other than people directly involved in the show as actors or production crew) to see a rehearsal, this counts as a performance and is liable for performance royalties. (Some groups do this, with a reduced entry charge, to give the performers an idea of how the audience will react.)


    A play reading in which members of a group read to each other does not count as a performance, but a play reading before an audience does.




    Venue Capacity


    For amateur performances, royalties are charged according to the audience capacity of the venue (usually the number of seats), not the actual number of people who see the show. (If you only manage to sell half the seats in your theatre, that is your problem, not ours!)


    If you do a tour with multiple venues of different sizes, then the royalties will reflect the capacity of each venue.




    Changes in Performance Requirements


    It is recognised that performance requirements may change during the planning of a production.


    Additional performances can be added at any time by visiting the Lazy Bee Scripts pricing page and purchasing additional performance licences. (Note that in this process you may be asked to provide the Order Number given to you when you originally purchased the script.)


    Reduction in the number of performances, including cancellation of the show, qualify for refunds (see below).


    If a change of venue changes the audience capacity, then the performance royalty will change and you will be liable for additional charges or eligible for a refund. You must contact Lazy Bee Scripts as soon as such a change is confirmed to agree the changes to the performance fee. (See our Contact page for contact details.)




    Credit Shall be Given to the Authors


    The name(s) of the author(s) must be displayed on all forms of advertising and promotional material, including, but not limited to posters, programmes, hand bills and web sites.


    For material publicising public performances, the publisher and rights agent shall be credited in promotional material, using the words 'By arrangement with Lazy Bee Scripts'.




    Videos of Amateur Shows


    Performance license for an amateur production includes permission to make one and only one video of the show.


    This excludes the right to broadcast the show (live or from a video recording) or to distribute recordings or live performances via the internet. Please contact Lazy Bee Scripts before doing such things.


    Additional videos, including copies of the original video, require an additional video licence which may be purchased from Lazy Bee Scripts. (See the separate Video terms and conditions.)


    Members of the audience have no right to make videos of a performance. Such videos constitute an actionable breach of copyright. Enforcement of this prohibition is the responsibility of the production company.






    Any performances cancelled and notified to Lazy Bee Scripts five days or more before the planned first show qualify for full refunds of the performance licence fee for the cancelled performances. If you wish to request a refund, please contact us before taking any other action. (For example, it is easier and cheaper for us to process a refund than if you cancel a transaction with your credit card company.) See our Contact page for contact details. Please quote your order number in any correspondence.


    Performances cancelled within five days of the first performance are not eligible for refunds.


    Shows that fail to attract an audience are not eligible for refunds. If you get an audience of two in a hall with a capacity of three hundred, that is your problem, not ours.


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